Nazli Ramos V
My Research idea
- Determine the effectiveness of learning English as a foreign language
through the virtual or face-to-face modality.
To analyze which study modality is more academically effective when
learning English (virtual or face-to-face), I propose research with a mixed
approach, that is, mix the qualitative and quantitative approach, collect,
analyze and link quantitative and qualitative data in the same research to
respond to planning and, check which learning is more effective.
- Conduct interviews with people who have finished their studies of
English as a foreign language, both in-person and online, to determine the
degree of satisfaction of each one.
- Assessments to measure grammatical management, verbal fluency, oral
expression, etc. Both of the students of the face-to-face modality and the
virtual modality.
- Virtual tools that help me organize and classify the information to
have clear and measurable results.
- Observation of focus groups of the UNAD, both virtual and face-to-face
to measure progress and achievements, both individual and group, of each
The information from his SWOT analysis synthesizes characteristics in each type of research making it clear, that is, I take from the videos the most important characteristics of these types of research. The idea of research about two study modalities is quite complex because when taking a sample it will not only be taken into account how many (quantitative research) people prefer one or the other, but also focuses on subjective knowledge (qualitative research) with questions like Why? your preferences and in this way determine the degree of satisfaction. The interview is a tool that allows this mixed study.
In you SWOT analysis you've displayed a very good understanding of the application of qualitative and quantitative techniques to research your projected topic. It's also, IMO, quite pertinent that you decided to combine qual-quan research and I think this approach can help broaden the scope of your study and give more elements to build the validity of your investigation in the field of EFL and foreign language education in general.
Álvaro Diazgranados